Saturday, November 25, 2006

We spoke too soon in the last post. While I still think thats the one I want, well settle for any of the THREE of them. Thats right, there are three of these monsters around our stand. We caught all three on camera. They are all between 8 and 10 points. Its hard to tell the difference in these pictures, but look close.

The "small one", 9 pts but look at the body weight

10 pointer

8/9 pointer, might be less body weight, but look at the length of the tines!
(same one as last post)

PS almost had one this morning

Saturday, November 11, 2006

This is the one we want!!!

Just so you all know, this was taken by the trail cam in the area we have been hunting.This was taken at night obviously, The original was quite dark and we didn't notice the rack, Tina was the one who lightened it and made our night!! There is another buck in the area, a 3-4 pointer as well.Bring on the Rutt!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

I wonder if there are Canadian Special Forces who are recruiting??
Who is this menacing looking commando?
You have seen the S-10 climb the hill and you have seen the Silverado climb it.
Neither has climbed as high as the pathfinder!
The hill doesn't look as steep as it actually is. Believe me, it's Steep!

Why, you might ask??? Because the hill is there,

and because I can!!!!